

Find easy to follow instructions

How Can I Restore a Deleted Sections or Undo Something?

As recommendation you can save your work from time to time, just hit Ctrl + S this will save a version of your work that you can go back or restore later.

How Can I Edit Globally a Heading, Paragraph, links, etc?

1. Select the element to edit (can be a Heading, paragraph, link, etc).

2. Go to the Style Panel and under the Selector SELECT the "All x element" .

How can I contact you?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime.

Important Notes
Use High Quality Double the Size Images

In order to have crisp images on most modern devices, you need to upload 2x image sizes.

Use SVG Icons

For a high quality visual experience for your users we recommend using svg icons. You can visit and find plenty of svg icons.

Optimize your Images

Press Shift+Ctrl+I (Letter i) to have Webflow do an image responsive scan.

If you want to achieve better loading time we recommend to optimize all your pictures using services like

Update Your Meta Description and Fav Icon
Update Your Meta Description and Fav Icon
About the Instagram Section

Press Shift+Ctrl+I (Letter i) to have Webflow do an image responsive scan.

This template does not include a dynamically feed from your Instagram account but you can build one following the Webflow University guide here: